List your Concerns

List what you want to discuss. Do you have any new symptoms? Is a treatment affecting your daily life? Bring up the most important things first! It’s important to be clear with your physician.

Bring a Family Member or Friend

Family members and close friends can be helpful during appointments. This person can help remind you of things you want to mention or talk about. They can take notes and help remember what the doctor said during the appointment.

Take Information With You

Doctors recommend you either bring your medications/supplements or list of these items with you to an appointment. Remember to bring your insurance cards, names and phone numbers of other doctors you see and your medical records if the doctor doesn’t already have them.

Plan to Update the Doctor

Let your doctor know what has happened in your life since your last appointment. Have there been any changes in your appetite, weight , sleep patterns or energy levels? Have you been treated in the emergency room or seen a specialist?

Source: National Institute on Aging. “Getting Ready for an Appointment.” A Guide for Older People Talking with Your Doctor.

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